Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Veggie Love

Howdy Y'all!  

I hope the holidays and traveling have been safe and happy for you.   

Thanksgiving in the South is a wonderful opportunity to take in your favorite butter, sugar, corn syrup, mayo dishes... OH opps!  I mean squash casserole, green bean 'salad', pecan pie, stuffing, and the like.  All are deliciously wonderful and will have you in a happy food coma in no time at all.  College football does provide some stimulation for keeping everyone pumped up, especially when UT defeats rival A&M.*  

Perhaps my body was sending me SOS signals for a post-Thanksgiving feasting cleanse when it started craving healthy veggies again.  Miraculously, this past week I've had a food creative spirit for creating healthy, veggie friendly dishes.  My sister and several good friends are vegetarian (and some vegan).  While the idea has crossed my mind quite a few times, I prefer the term 'Veggie Lover' over the restrictive feel that Vegetarian gives me.  Loving sounds a lot better to me :D   

Black Bean soup with guac and tomatoes on toasted wheat bread
Whole wheat Couscous with carrot, cucumber, tomato, and some cilantro, salt, peper, and lime juice to taste
Veggie burger (cooked frozen patty) with guac, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes on toasted wheat bread
You can probably see common ingredients in these dishes, aka, what I got at the grocery store this week! :D  The amazing thing is, my bill was under 25 bucks and I've made A LOT of food with all of this.    Everything is veggie and vegan friendly.  It's a fun experiment to try!   Everything  is super easy to make; it almost takes more time to wash the dishes than make the food!  Feel free to let me know if you want any tips on how to make this stuff!

*Shoutout to all my Georgia Tech buddies....  :(((( Sad loss against UGA.  CPJ better be planning for next year's attack on them Dogs!!!