Saturday, November 12, 2011

Book Review: "Happier Than A Billionaire"

Happier Than a Billionaire
By Nadine Hays Pisani

Pages: 227
Price:  I paid $9.35 on (but it has recently gone up to $12.99)
Publisher:  This book was published on July 3, 2011 by Nadine using an online publishing tool, Createspace.

Nadine shares with readers the challenges and rewards of moving life from the States to the Central American country of Costa Rica.  Above all, Happier Than a Billionaire is absolutely hilarious.  Be warned: if you don't like the attention you'll get when bursting out laughing in public places, don't read this book in public places.  Because, within the first two sentences, you'll be in fits of laughter and transported to a whole different world.

Originally both chiropractors in the US, Nadine and her husband Rob radically changed their lifestyle four years ago.  Both were fed up with their jobs, miserable and unhappy, and tired of their life.  So, they sold their practice, their house in the States, and moved to Costa Rica (after much discussion and research, of course).  They buy a house on a mountain, enjoy a carefree lifestyle of a 'zero-hour work week', and go on adventures while trying to integrate into the Costa Rican lifestyle.  Nadine's style of writing has you right there beside them as they bounce down the pitted dirt road on a moped or run down a mountain after seeing a group of bulls while 'house-hunting'.

According to, books often bought with Happier Than a Billionaire include travel guides and other books associated with the lifestyle of Costa Rica.  Nadine's book shares with readers the reality of this lifestyle change.  Including everything from dealing with realtors to purchase a house, buying cars, using Spanish translators, and getting residency, Nadine's account is honest, informative, and of course, 100% hilarious.  Once in Costa Rica, Nadine and her husband take advantage of the sights around them.  They travel to neighboring countries (usually to renew their visas every 90 days) and share stories of crazy adventures about navigating the roads, visiting beautiful beaches, and experiencing the natural wonders the Central American countries have to offer.    While the general picture will be painted in your mind as you read about these adventures, it would be a good idea to have a travel book by your side if actually planning out a trip to Central America to solidify names of cities, resorts, roads, parks, etc.

Heather's Opinion
This book is a fantastic resource to get readers familiar with both international travel and international living in a low-stress and enjoyable way.  Reading this book is worth many, many laughs and is a welcome break from typical every-day life in the US.  It is eye-opening to the possibility of living internationally and inspiring to read about Nadine and Rob's journey of pursuing what they truly want out of life.  

Throughout the book, Nadine experiences the transformation that living a low-stress lifestyle has on her.   Quotes from Happier Than a Billionaire:
Last night was difficult.  There were times during the drive that I wanted to turn around but I never imagined it would be this beautiful.  And just like that, as my sister would say about childbirth, all the pain faded away.  My life doesn't feel like a long dark tunnel anymore.  Perhaps it's because I'm falling in love with a place I haven't been in for longer than twenty-four hours.                                                                                                                                  --Page 34
The longer I live here the more I am changing.  I'm opening up to people and finding something in me I thought was lost years ago.  I'm enjoying myself and allowing walls to come down that I built up while working in my office.  I'm learning it is still possible to have the life you always dreamed of and there are still people out there who are waiting (and willing) to be your friend.                                                                                                            --Page 209 

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