Thursday, September 15, 2011

Travel Decisions by the Numbers

A friend's wedding and my mom's birthday gave me more than enough reason to book a flight home to Nashville, TN for this coming weekend.  I'm flying Southwest out of the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) and was wondering earlier today how I'm going to get my little toosh to the airport tomorrow.  Hmmm... typical and instantaneous response:  Drive.  Duh.  I'm independent, I love my Explorer, and I will be able to travel to and from the airport as I please (or as my flight schedule coming back permits).

Walking through campus yesterday headed to where most of the buses stop I see an Airport Flyer bus at one of the stops...So...Stretch idea... how about the Bus?  Yeah!!... the buses in Austin are pretty awesome.  "They go everywhere" is the impression most Austinites have of the system.

Being ADD about planning (especially new ideas), I have to know when, where, ... and how.  I look up the bus schedule and map ( for the 'Airport Flyer' (aka Route 100).  Going to ABIA on Friday I'm plenty good on time between my last class and my departure time and have several bus times I can take.  Coming back Sunday will be tight.  I get in at 10:25pm and the last bus leaves from ABIA at 11.  As long as my plane is not delayed, I'll be fine.

But, what if I am delayed?

I'll have to take a cab.  After 11pm, I'd hate to make a friend come and get me.   I call Lonestar Cab Company to get an estimated price(  After getting my home address, the woman on the phone quotes me 29 bucks.  And, before I finish my question, she answers "Yes, we always have tons of cabs at the airport". (Again, duh).

29 bucks IF I have to take a cab.  Well... I could always drive like I had planned in the first place.  I check the airport satellite parking lot: ( for the cheapest parking rates.  7 bucks a day x 3 days = 21 bucks.

This means I could possibly have to pay 8 dollars more IF my flight is delayed.

I'm taking the Bus.  A combination of the bus system having a great reputation and being easily accessible gets me to consider taking the bus.  The hope of my return flight not getting delayed and having to pay the 8 extra dollars heavily outweighs the alternative of driving my car (where I would be guaranteed a 21 dollar fee for parking).   And, the bus ride would be a new exciting adventure, whereas I would hope a trip in my car would be 'uneventful'.  And, even if I do have to end up taking a taxi, I'll at least have company on the way home late Sunday night :D

So, Momma's bday and Prisca's Wedding, here I come!! Via foot, BUS, and plane!  :))


Airport Flyer Shuttle at stop near UT campus on Dean Keaton Blvd.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe one day the question would be... "Ah should I fly my own airplane or fly the (not-so-glamorous) commercial airliner?"

    Just sayin' :D
