Saturday, July 16, 2011

We are not in Western France anymore

Hello from the beach!! We are in Cagnes-Sur-Mer, France. Getting here has been a full dose of traveling: over the past two days, a total of 7 different trains, 2 bus rides, and a car ride with Celine's great aunt and uncle, and oh boy has it all been worth it!!! So worth it in the people we've met and things we've seen. Stopped in Avignon yesterday. There is a world famous film festival going on in this very creative vibe filled city and therefore street performances are everywhere you turn and every street you wander down(no mater how narrow or cobblestone bumpy :) The dancers were some of the most impressive to me because you can feel their vibe through body movements full of looseness and freedom. You see their intense focus but supreme contentment on their faces.

Manosque is several bus and train rides later. After the 40 minute walk through the city to a friends house, I feel fully justified to say I have backpacked through Europe. Matild is a fellow classmate of Celine in Lyon and is a joy to chat with ( she knows anglais:) in the morning, we explore Aix-en-Provence together. It's Saturday morning and the outdoor markets are absolutely thriving! We find refuge from the crowds by lunching on 'salty' crepes from a to go stand and chill in shade in the city center with a front row view of a wonderful fountain/roundabout. Matilda says it is nothing compared to those in Roma. Mmm, I'm going to be in for a treat :-)). An absolute highlight amoung the shop browsing is an English bookstore Matild knows of. I get a Bill Bryson book. And, perfect timing that an author stops in at te shop to market his new book. Thrilled, I strike up a convo and learn more about him. He makes a living on writing, went to journalism school, and gives me a well seasoned take on where the writing market stands today. ( sadly but realistically, not profitable for almost all). I get 'both' of his names :) and will research more later.

We meet Christy and Lucila on a train to Nice. I feel instant connection, they know English, are engineering students, and study in Hong Kong. I'm glad we have an hour and a half ride till our stop. Taking advantage of our new 4-some, I successfully teach them to play Spades. They pick it up really quickly, I might have to be careful :P and, best part is, we will all be inFlorence at the same time. Thank goodness for wifi and email, so we make plans to see them again in a couple of days!!:)

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Glad you made some new friends! Maybe you will see them again someday down the road??
