Friday, August 19, 2011

Austin Weird

How do you define weird? Anything can be weird, right? Out of the normal, different, unusual, weird. My mom would describe it as someone with pink hair.  'Weird’ is an outsider’s perspective on a thing, person, or idea.  And, well, now I’m an ‘outsider’ considering myself lucky to be looking and living on the weird ‘inside’ known as Austin, TX.   

By inside, I’m centrally located in a fantastic fantastic neighborhood called Hyde Park.   For once, I’m viewing where I live as defining my lifestyle.  Location really does make a difference, and for the last week I’ve been pinching myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.  Really.  (Ok, so the several bruises on my arms and legs are from the move in of boxes and my bedroom furniture, but they’re there!).  Physically, I’m a ten minute bike ride north of campus (or, at least to my building that is on the north-most side of campus, closest to me).  And, ten minutes for now until I get more comfortable/ actually get to campus the first time via the route I intend.  I’m on the same street that leads right into campus, but between here and there there’s this funky curve in the street, a temporarily different name, and a confusing 5 way intersection.  Which, gives me an excuse for getting *slightly* turned around for the next week or so.   Gotta see the neighborhood somehow, right? 

I’m in a 10 unit building made of a white stone on the outside and newly refurnished on the inside.  It’s older, and that was an adjustment for me at first.  But, on the scale of oldness and brokendown, it is soaring with flying colors past a place like my Grandma’s where you’re lucky if 1 out of the four eyes on the stove work and you hope and pray that the soft spot in the bedroom floor doesn’t pick you to fail on.  Seriously.  My place gets better and better everyday.  The more I see of the neighborhood, the better it gets, too.  Every house is quaint and has a unique character.  Some have great gardens.  One of my professors lives 2 blocks down the street.  There is a lot of pride here, and people work to keep it a safe and lively culture.     

My New Home!

Spiritually, I’m in heaven.  Today, I mailed packages to friends by walking down the stairs, down the driveway, and north one block to the post office.  It’s so close I didn’t even break a sweat.  Come to Austin, and you will see how much of an accomplishment that is.  The other night, I needed to look up classes on the internet.  Used my iPhone, found a close café/sandwich shop with free wifi, and took a stroll a couple blocks over to sort of the center of Hyde Park.   According to Rachel, the café was typical Austin flavor.  The people sitting next to me had an unnatural hair color (sounds more PC than flaming pink) and the music was chill.  Tonight, I’m writing in another café right down the street called Dolce Vita.  My little round table with free wifi, close to a plug in, with a view outside and the patio - it’s great.  The food’s good, too.  First came the bruschetta for 4 dollars.  Two hours later came the coconut cake for 6.  Yes, my dessert was more than my ‘meal’ and it was heavenly.    I think I’ve said this before, but Oh my the wonders of grown up independent life!  I hope my BMI says the same thing in a couple of years.  

Cool Coconut Cake at Dolce Vita

The people seem Happy here.  Granted, I’ve been chilling in coffee shops, which, are usually chill places.  But everywhere I go, and even in the heat, people seem genuinely happy.  The landlady knows my name and Rachel’s, and says hey whenever I run into her as she takes care of things around the place.  We’ve got chairs on our patio.  We’ve got AC in the apartment.  My MacBook feels right at home in this land.  Life is good.  Oh, and school hasn’t started quite yet.

So... yes, it’s my conclusion so far that natives carry on life as normal as possible, and, in doing so, do everything they can to keep the city of Austin, TX ‘weird’.  Weird is different.  Weird is fun.   Just try repeating the word ‘weird’ 10 times.  It starts to sound kinda… weird, no?  In the coming months, I can’t wait to get integrated into life here a little more and discover more weirdness.  Who knows, maybe I’ll pick up some in the process J  I’ll let friends and family be the judge of that; after all, weird only looks weird to normal people.    

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