Saturday, May 11, 2013

Back from the Hiatus!

Hello Virgin Eyes!!!

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus! Lots of things have happened to this one little life the past couple of months!  After graduating and going to Australia, I accepted a job offer with Accenture Consulting in Houston, TX.  I feel very blessed for this opportunity and, being a couple of months into it now, I'm loving it!

Major highlights:

Moving to Houston!
Finding and buying a townhouse!
Starting at Accenture!
Going to Chicago and St. Charles, IL for FOUR weeks of training!  
Starting a new project/client at Accenture once I got back from training!

And, in the middle of all that, I got baptized :)  For full disclosure to Virgin Eyes readers, I also created a new blog, Grace.  I write and share stories about my relationship with God, hope, struggles, fears, encouragement, praise - what he's doing in my life and the amazing things I'm learning from Him.   And, if you're in Austin, please please check out The Well, you'll be happy you tried it out :)

As you can tell, lots of exciting things! :D  I'm working on a couple of really cool things right now for the blog, so stay posted!

No more many-months-long absences allowed! I promise! :)  

Over 'n Out .... from our new Home of Houston, TX! 

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