Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Neighbor's Pet

Today I noticed my neighbor in Hyde Park had four chickens in their front yard.  The first adjective that came to mind was ... weird...  Then I smiled, laughed out loud, stopped to take a picture, and continued on my merry way.  Then I came home, shared the image, and hoped it would make you lol, too.
This is the second yard I've seen in the neighborhood with chickens out front. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

And Another One Bites the Dust

While making breakfast this morning, this was a nice wake up call:

PB jar.  Top View.

Ahhh!!!!!  OUT OF PEANUT BUTTER???   
Thankfully, some aggressive scraping allowed me a get enough out for a sandwich.  And, the good thing about the Sam's Club twin jar packages of PB is that, precisely  half the time, there's another jar waitin' in the cabinet tucked away somewhere.   Tucked away somewhere far away cause it takes a hella long time to eat 64 oz. of peanut butter by yourself (FYI, 64 oz = 3 pounds).  

Ironically, my 7am reaction to staring into my empty jar of peanut butter was to think about a Queen oldie but goodie,  Another One Bites the Dust:

What exactly does a 3 pound void of peanut butter look like?
PB jar. Side View.

Today was a lucky-50% day, when I found:
Life IS good